Crowfall ! I need you now!

I gaze across the landscape of upcoming games and I am severely saddened by the outlook. The latest rash of games are just other editions of their predecessors with a bit more shine and a bigger release number. When I am reviewing my Steam queue, I find myself mostly just clicking on NOT INTERESTED.

I still log hours into Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Card Hunter, and I have been dabbling with Shroud of Avatar a bit .

Grim Dawn just released build 28 and it included the new Shaman class . I really like where this game is headed and I am excited to see what they do with their multiplayer. POE is still the best ARPG out there right now. It is free as well.

Shroud of the Avatar is looking to be a good contender for the MMO audience. I try not to spend too much time with each build they release because it changes so much between releases right now and there are wipes after each release.

Fallout4 and Stars Wars battle front are coming up soon and I hope they are ok . I have been trying not to read articles or watch the teaser vids because I don’t want to be disappointed if it sucks, like that Sword Coast turd.

Happy Gaming!
[Moc]Drakkyn on steam

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